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tecomanthes speciosa

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Posted by COSMOS 22 Mar 2011 - 1:54:00 PM

Do you know where I could source this climber in Qld ?

Comments (3)

Re: EDITOR 24 Mar 2011 - 2:57:00 PM

Can't track that one in Australia at all.

Re: Re: LEVUKA 27 Nov 2016 - 4:17:00 AM

Judes’ Plants at Yandina Market, Yandina, S.E. Queensland on Saturdays.

Re: COSMOS 24 Mar 2011 - 3:06:00 PM

I know I can source this large evergreen climber from Victoria, but was hoping to avoid issues with quarantine.

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H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Beris, Miranda NSW
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