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Posted by GIPPSLANDER 12 Sept 2012 - 11:41:00 AM

What is the best situation for growing rhubarb in a coastal position?
We ahve a sandy loam soil and live on a hill

Comments (1)

Re: EVIE01 9 Oct 2012 - 4:08:00 PM

Rhubarb liks a cooler climate but plenty of sun. If your climate is warmer, I'd be looking at somewhere with morning sun only but lots of it and waya from bricks walls and other surfaces that reflect heat. And protected from coastal salt and wind.
As it also likes water, a flat garden bed – enriched with organic matter – would help the water soak in.

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Lynda, Munno Para SA
I use sugar mulch on garden, birds love it, keeps plants moist, and its not harsh to handle. Fantastic stuff to use in garden, recommend it.


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