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summer's done | flinders range wattle

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Posted by EDITOR 11 Mar 2010 - 8:30:00 AM

Sure, the cool weather is an obvious sign. But my sasanqua hedge has its first flower. As a boy I took the flowering of my father's hot pink Hiryu sasanqua camellia as the sign that autumn had come to the garden. The tibouchinas and crepe myrtles were somehow more the end of summer than the beginning of autumn. Acacia iteaphylla is one of the native sasanqua equivalents around here. Yet another of our wattles so pretty and therefore so widely-planted that it's become weedy around Australia outside its own native SA. It's sown between carriageways and currently brightening the drive between Sydney and Canberra.

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Desert Chinese Lantern

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 1m W: 1m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun

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Annetta,  NSW
For small scale composting use coffee grounds, used tea leaves/bags and eggshells ground up to give calcium, in pot plants. Perfect for people in units.


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