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availability of dampiera rosmarinifolia

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Posted by MARTINJA 23 Apr 2011 - 10:09:00 AM

About 10 years ago I was able to purchase Dampiera rosmarinifolia (native rosemary) easily in my area of Eltham but now I can't get it anywhere even online nurseries. It surprises me as it is supposed to be hardy and drought tolerant and native to Victoria. Any ideas?

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 25 Apr 2011 - 10:55:00 AM

Kuranga seems like your best bet ( A bit of a drive but Allansforest ( or Goldfields Revegetation ( could also be a fall back position.

Re: Re: MARTINJA 7 May 2011 - 8:30:00 AM

Thanks for the information. I'll give them a try.

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