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Posted by MASQUE 2 Nov 2010 - 4:04:00 PM


I have been told by my 91 yr old father in law that he used the chestnut tree (suckers?) to make baskets. I would love if he could make us a keepsake or three. Do you know if and where we can buy them from? We live in Sydney.

many thanks
Silvana Franze

Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 2 Nov 2010 - 5:41:00 PM

Hi Silvana. Hadn't heard of chestnut weaving - but it makes sense. Presumably it would have to be the ordinary chestnut - Castanea sativa. Though it's sometimes available in the fruit tree sections of garden centres it might be easiest to order online from from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery ( As it's not for fruit a plain seedling variety should do.

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Leanne, Puckapunyal VIC
I have found polystyrene fruit boxes are excellent for growing vegies in. I currently have dwarf beans, strawberries & some white queen squash growing.


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