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looking for tilia petiolaris

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Posted by LUPTIN 2 Nov 2010 - 11:49:00 AM

I am trying to find Tilia petiolaris for my garden in Tasmania. I know it was propagated in Victoria at least until 1996 and may still be being propagated somewhere. It's common name is the Weeping Silver Lime.

Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 2 Nov 2010 - 5:02:00 PM

A couple of other species are available but it's hard to track that particular Tilia. Woodbank Nursery in Longley TAS used to list it. It's now closed that's cause to believe it is around. Bundara Nursery and Jubilee Nursery are in a similar mould to Woodbank and though they don't seem to list it, they might be able to provide some clues.

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