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crinum asiaticum variegatum

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Posted by CAROL W 20 Aug 2010 - 6:51:00 PM

Wanted - as it looks to be a great plant for my garden. We are in Maroochydore

Carol W

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 25 Aug 2010 - 10:10:00 AM

Fairly uncommon but it seems to be going on ebay. The URL wont work in this field but if you go to and search on 250670058402 it should come up.
Other searches just in case: the seller is 731cherylp and the plant is named Crinum variegatum.

Re: Re: CAROL W 25 Aug 2010 - 4:29:00 PM

Thank you very much for your help. Found it and I will organise to buy one


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Simone, Warwick QLD
I collect manure from a sheep property. I shovel out what I need from under the shearing shed. Soak in watering can for excellent fertiliser.


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