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triadica sebifera tallow tree nz

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Posted by EPOD 14 Aug 2014 - 12:17:00 PM

am trying to locate and buy Triadica sebifera Tallow Tree, seeds, root or stem cuttings from an organic or spray-free source, I am in nz.
Any help, greatly appreciated.

May Nayana (sacre name for Creator) guide us all in Creator's original life path,
for Creator's sacre Creation Earth of;
Creator hon-or sacre simple live,
Creator given, Creator hon-or, sacre hearth (sacre hearth pairs),
that there may be Creator guided, Creator hon-or, sacre community.,
on all Nayana's sacre Creation E-arth,
that we may all be as one family in Nayana.

All glory to Creator. Hey nana Hey.

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