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berzilea lanuginosa

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Posted by MEREDITH53 17 Apr 2013 - 6:55:00 AM

Hi, does anyone know where I can purchase Berzilea Lanuginosa in Australia. Lots of growers in NZ but can't find one here. Seeds available on Ebay but not sure how I would go propagating.
Thank you Meredith

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 22 Apr 2013 - 7:41:00 AM

Di's Delightful Plants has it listed but not currently in stock - maybe ask them about the outlook there. Seeds are supposed to be more successful than cuttings which need specialised treatment so it could well be worth giving seeds a go.

Re: Re: MEREDITH53 7 May 2013 - 4:21:00 PM

Thank you for the advice. Ebay has seeds for sale from South Africa. Has anyone tried these and do you know if they need to be declared and go through quarantine.

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