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Outdoor Megastore Furniture

E L E G A N C E - pure idyllic design in modern light frame steel furniture with a gently rounded back. E L E G A N C E exhibits a stylized nostalgic figure and is suitably stackable. Guaranteed to be long lasting and weatherproof.

Specifications: 570-20 in Iron - grey W 60.5 cm x D 73 cm x H 81 cm. Hand made in Germany, Royal Garden 5 year warranty.

THERMOSINT® is our revolutionary development for improving metal surfaces:

10 times stronger than conventional powder coatings. For perfect protection against damage and corrosion. The surface always feels pleasantly warm, smooth and sleek. The coating smooths joins, softening edges and corners - which is kind to skin and clothes.

Thermosint® coating is absolutely weatherproof and requires practically no cleaning. Rain simply runs off. Thermosint® ensures reliable and lasting protection against the effects of all kinds of weather. Also in winter. We give you our word for it - for a whole 5 years! Thermosint® is only available from Royal Garden.

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Blue Mountains Mallee Ash

Plant type: evergreen tree
H: 8m W: 10m
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Beris, Miranda NSW
My nana taught me to throw old bed sheets over plants to protect on hot days. I usually spray them first. Cheap and it works!

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Outdoor Megastore Furniture

E L E G A N C E - pure idyllic design in modern light frame steel furniture with a gently rounded back. E L E G A N C E exhibits a stylized nostalgic figure and is suitably stackable. Guaranteed to be long lasting and weatherproof.

Specifications: 570-20 in Iron - grey W 60.5 cm x D 73 cm x H 81 cm. Hand made in Germany, Royal Garden 5 year warranty.

THERMOSINT® is our revolutionary development for improving metal surfaces:

10 times stronger than conventional powder coatings. For perfect protection against damage and corrosion. The surface always feels pleasantly warm, smooth and sleek. The coating smooths joins, softening edges and corners - which is kind to skin and clothes.

Thermosint® coating is absolutely weatherproof and requires practically no cleaning. Rain simply runs off. Thermosint® ensures reliable and lasting protection against the effects of all kinds of weather. Also in winter. We give you our word for it - for a whole 5 years! Thermosint® is only available from Royal Garden.
